Our Sponsorship Program
Join Our Prestigious
Sponsorship Programs
We are actively seeking sponsors to complete the funding of The Derek Scott Saylor Memorial Carousel at Pottstown Exhibition Center
Through the Saylor family’s loving gift in memory of their young son, we have been able to fully restore the carousel by acquiring all the animals.
We have started a formal capital campaign to get funds to complete the refurbishing and remodeling of our building. The total renovation and remodeling cost for the building, the former Pottstown Metal Weld, is estimated to exceed $1 million. Your contributions to our 501(c) (3) organization are tax deductible.

Scenic Panel Sponsorship
Our murals will be custom painted for you. These can be sponsored in honor of the special people in your life. The paintings portray the early 1900s and architecture of that period and are mounted on the carousel. You can sponsor a scenic panel for $1,500 of which $750 goes to the artist and $750 to the Carousel. Below are two of the existing panels.
Brick Sponsorship
Purchase a black granite brick engraved with gold leaf with your name, sponsorship, or in memory of a loved one for public display. These bricks will be mounted on the inside wall of the main entrance lobby. You can sponsor a brick for $100.
Tables and Benches
By sponsoring a table and/or bench, your name and or business will be recognized with a plaque. This is a good way to honor the memory of a loved one or advertise your business. Contact us at 610-323-6099 for more information.
Help Revitalize our Borough
Your sponsorship will help us in the restoration and remodeling of The Carousel At Pottstown as well as help to revitalize our community with our profits. Contact us at 610-323-6099 or stop by the Carousel building during our open hours if you or you know someone that might be interested in being a part of any of our sponsorship programs.